10 Microphones (Recommended by Pros) for Recording and Amplifying Your Didgeridoo

un micro prêt à enregistrer

If you’ve ever wondered what microphone would be the ideal companion to capture the sound of your didgeridoo, then here’s good news: you’re in the right place! This recurring question, often discussed on the Wakademy forum (and in my inbox 😉), finally deserves a complete answer! Of course, I could have simply listed the microphones […]

Didgeridoo and music: Why is it so difficult?

By the way, I’m using this article to convey part of the way I see the didgeridoo and music. Being self-taught and not having had any formal musical training, I can provide my perspective without being restrained by current academic thought. Admittedly, I run the risk of sounding a bit eccentric on some points. That […]

Didgeridoo in Europe: styles and players for each country

different pictures from European didgeridoo players

Arriving in Europe in the 1980s, didgeridoo really took off in the following decade. In almost 30 years, this great piece of wood has seen the birth of many styles through players from all over Europe. Let’s go on a short tour of the old continent… Each player and/or country has developed its own specialties, […]

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