The didgeridoo is merely an amplifier for our body. Learning to play the didgeridoo is learning to observe ourselves.

And this is precisely what I teach you at Wakademy.

Note: First of all, I would like to thank the Aboriginal Australians for sharing the didgeridoo, a cultural symbol, and for helping spread knowledge of it throughout the world. Without them, you wouldn’t be reading this.

At present, the didgeridoo is still a little recognized and poorly understood instrument, it being all too often considered an instrument of limited musicality.

One can quickly understand the incomprehension of the neophytes. What should they think of a simple wooden tube without pistons or any holes that produces only a single, albeit rather exotic, note often mixed with other strange sound effects!

But experience has shown me that this idea very often comes from a lack of knowledge of the instrument. Indeed, members of the audience often come up to me after a concert and say: “I didn’t know that you could make so many different sounds with a didgeridoo!” or “It’s crazy! At times, I had the impression of several people playing!”

I am deeply convinced that a better mastery of playing techniques can greatly improve the creativity and musicality of didgeridoo players.

It’s sad to say: having dedicated my life to the didgeridoo, I often get bored listening to it!

Far be it from me to accuse the players! After all, the information needed to progress on the didgeridoo is rather hard to come by.

Of course, you can find tutorials on Youtube. However, the contemporary style of didgeridoo playing having developed only recently, those explanations can sometimes lack clarity and particularly a structured pedagogy.

It’s difficult to progress under such conditions, and how can we get answers to all the questions that we ask ourselves when we start:

At this point you are lost, and that is normal.

If you want to learn to play the didgeridoo, whether for the musical aspect, meditation, sound massage or to reduce your sleep apnea, you need structured and progressive support.

And I can assure you, without that, you’ll likely give up soon…

That’s why I created Wakademy: to give you access to clear, precise, and progressive lessons.

But I want to be honest about this: I’m not going to teach you the common cookie-cutter phrases. Forget the recipes! I want you to have a more global understanding of the didgeridoo.

Then you’ll be able to:

  • Understand perfectly (usually better than players who have been playing for 20 years!) the mechanism of circular breathing (being able to blow continuously) in order to finally master it
  • Feel that the rhythm depends entirely on your breath
  • Develop self awareness by combining intuition and analysis
  • Play your own style and express who you are

This last point is particularly important to me, and I think I can modestly point out my particular specialty as a teacher is to guide you on your own discovery of the didgeridoo.

At Wakademy, I will help you develop your own musical speech. .

Never forget that only you can express what you have to say.

In a world that demands ever more from us each day, it is high time to spend a few moments to breathe and express what you have to share

And my dearest wish is to help you achieve it. ⭐️

Enjoy your visit to Wakademy!

My story

My name is Gauthier Aubé. I started playing the didgeridoo at the end of 2001, at the age of 18.

I had left high school a month before, after having repeated my junior and senior years. In the evening,

I used to deliver pizzas to pay my rent. During the day, I played my didgeridoo.

I spent a lot of time blowing into it, let’s just say countless hours.

Arising from that experience, I soon developed my own style, and I became known in the world of didgeridoo.

“L’envol,” title track from my last album (2022)

“La traversée,” also from that same album

“Le vent dans le dos”, a track from my second album, “Renaissance”

I turned professional in 2008 after a six month trip to Australia.

At that time, everything was going pretty well: I was recognized in my community as one of the best European players. I performed solo concerts and gave workshops all over Europe. Of course, I wasn’t living like a king, but I was getting by doing what I wanted to do, and I was happy.

But inside of me, something was wrong.$

I was scared.

I was afraid of not being the best anymore (if you are curious, I tell more of this story in this article) .

And so I stopped for two years. I had time for myself. I changed my life. I went to India, and then I settled down in Brussels.

It wasn’t until 2016 when I launched my blog about the didgeridoo (in French) that I began to glimpse the idea of being able to live off my passion while sharing it with as many people as possible.

Wakademy is the logical continuation!

See my interview below to learn more about how I see the didgeridoo and my background.

The song “L’exil” played with Oud, Drum and violin.

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