It is very common to see among didgeridoo beginners 5 big mistakes. These errors unfortunately prevent many players from progressing quickly. But the good news is that it’s easy to act on them and modifying them will save you a lot of time!
I hope these tips will help you!
Thanks for this. I’m trying to learn, but I’m having difficulty vibrating my lips. But I’m determined to succeed!
Yes, at the beginning it need some practice!
If you have some difficulties to make your lips vibrating, it can come from many reasons, but the two more common is :
• your lip have to much or too less tension
• and more difficult to explain, you have to try to vibrate the inner part of your lips, you have to move your bottom lip forward (very slightly) when you vibrate your lips. It’s a very, very fine adjustment, you have to go slowly!
Hope it will help you but if you have the determination, you’ve got all!